Syukur Alhamdulillah, at last we had successfully done the task as we need to complete. Personally I am very glad to be involve by formal or informally in this activity. In my point of view, this kind of activity not just owe benefit to the current participants itself, but it will also affects future participants especially UniKL IPROM students that intend to make this activity.
I really look forward to share and exchange some knowledge, information or any idea regarding this activity. Hope our experience and some a little knowledge from our group will generate the other students and participants so that UniKL IPROM may have better positive outcome from their student itself. Insyaallah. It is not impossible to say that UniKL IPROM could have a well known,active and efficient Social Responsibility Student Club and Community itself in the future time. All we need in this approach are everlasting effort, ideas, hard-work, politeness and honesty.Insyaallah... -Rusydi Ashikin